Located in south east Berkshire with a population of close to 7,000 people, Crowthorne is a very popular village. This means that there is a good level of demand for property in this area but of course, as a village, there is a limited supply of property in the area. This combination of demand and supply should ensure that there is always a good time to sell property in the area.
As of June 2017, the average value of property in Crowthorne stands at £512,228 while the average price being paid for property stands at £480,422. Like many areas, prices in Crowthorne have decreased in the past 12 months, with a decrease of 2.09% taking place.
While summer has been a traditionally quiet time in the property market, this is no longer the case. There are a number of reasons why, if you are selling in Crowthorne, summer is the ideal time to market your property.
Some sellers will not have their property on the market
As stated, summer was a traditionally slow time for property sales. People would be on holiday and kids would be off school, and many people decided that it wasn’t worth the time or effort to place property on to the market.
Many people will still have this attitude and will not place their property on the market. This reduces the competition, which means it makes sense to place your property on the market. When a potential buyer has fewer homes to look through, your chances of selling your property increases, so it makes sense to take advantage of a decrease in supply that often occurs during summer time.
Improved technology makes it easier to stay in touch
A big factor in why property sales slowed down during the summer was that people would often be away on holiday and out of contact, leaving deals or negotiations in limbo until people returned. If you had a situation where the seller, buyer and agents all had holidays booked at different times, this could see any potential deal taking months to conclude.
This is no longer the case. The advent of the internet and improved digital communication means that people and parties can stay in touch, wherever they are. Online property portals means that people can view properties in Crowthorne from all around the world as long as they can access the internet, and communication is simple with email, social media, video messaging platforms, all of which avoid the (ever more affordable) text message or phone call options.
The high level of demand means that there is never a bad time to sell your property
Another reason why selling your property in summer is a good idea these days is down to the increased level of demand for property. If there were no people looking to buy, it wouldn’t be worth seller’s while placing their property on the market but in summer time, there will still be enough people looking to buy to make this a smart option.
Some people have more time in summer, making them more active or likely buyers
While the general conception is that people take breaks in the summer and won’t be available to conclude property deals, this is no longer the case. The nature of people’s working lives and when they take breaks has changed dramatically in recent times, and summer holidays are no longer the main holiday or break for many people.
This means that there should be a greater level of demand and flexibility for buyers at this time of year.
Some people want to be settled in their new home for autumn, so summer is the ideal time for them to buy
There is also the fact that summertime represents an ideal time for buyers due to their circumstances. Anyone looking to be settled in their home for the autumn, say perhaps due to the new school or educational year, will find that summer is the ideal time to move.
Different people have different circumstances and outlooks on life, and placing your property on to the market in summertime is ideal to appeal to certain buyers.
If you are looking to sell your home in Crowthorne, placing your property on the market in summer is an ideal option.