First impressions count. It doesn’t matter whether you are buying a new pair of shoes or viewing a property, people will always have a first impression or opinion. We appreciate that when you try the shoes on (or walk around the property) your opinion may change but what if you could make a difference to the first impression of your home before it goes to the market?
So, we decided to look at three ways in which you can improve the kerb appeal of your property.
Let’s get started….
Tidy Tidy Tidy
This may seem like an obvious comment to make but it is often something that is overlooked. Just remember that the photographs will not be edited. With high quality digital photography, photos capture everything!
You may not notice anything untoward about the general upkeep and tidiness of your front garden because you see it several times a day. Uncut lawns, rubbish down the side of the garage or even the odd bike abandoned on the driveway. It is all about ensuring that the first impression is spot on.
Clean Clean Clean
Imagine your potential buyers standing on the doorstep waiting for you to answer and the door is dirty or perhaps the windows need a good clean. Will they be wondering what else is not right inside? Will they be picking faults in the cleanliness of your home throughout the whole appointment because of that first impression?
It only takes a few minutes and without trying to sound overly dramatic, it could make a big difference.
Mow That Lawn
It’s one of the jobs that most people do not like doing. In the Spring and Summer months it is often a regular weekend activity but when it comes to selling your property, you may have to fall in love with your front garden all over again.
Majority of the time, your potential viewers will be driving around the outside of the property prior to the viewing because like to look first. So, don’t just think that on viewing day is the only day you need to make an extra effort with the lawn. Keep it trim. Keep the borders nice and tidy and edge those pathways.
Doorbells Are Meant To Be Working
This is another one of those ‘obvious statements’ but go and test your doorbell because if that is not working, what else is not working in the house. Maybe the wiring isn’t right. Maybe some of the day to day maintenance jobs are not being done.
First impressions count remember and you want to make your viewers experience the best one possible. Or at least better than the other viewings they have booked in for that day.
Our experienced team are always on hand to help and provide you with some honest advice. We are here to help you get moving and if we feel that something just isn’t right, we are going to tell you.